SchoolStatus Level 1: Dive into SchoolStatus
About this Course: This course explores the features of SchoolStatus deeper than the surface level. The purpose of this course is to learn how to effectively use all of the tools and data that SchoolStatus offers. By the end of this course you will be able to navigate your way through multiple modes of communication, find and utilize data found in the student card, and use the mobile app to communicate on-the-go.
How to Call
Help Article: Call a Parent from your Computer or Mobile Phone
How to Text
Help Article: Text Parents from your Computer or Mobile Phone
How to Send a Broadcast Message
Help Article: Send a Broadcast to a Course or Student Group
How to Send an Email
Help Article: How to Email a Parent in SchoolStatus
Contacts and Preferred Languages
Help Article: Designate Preferred Language for a Parent
Help Article: How to Update Your Account Settings
Communication History
Help Article: About History, the Communications Log
Data in the Student Card
Help Article: All About the Student Card
Notes & Attachments
Help Article: Use Notes and Attachments on the Student Card
Introduction to the Mobile App
Help Article: Navigate the SchoolStatus Mobile App
Make a Call in the App
Help Article: Call a Parent Using your SchoolStatus Mobile App
Send a Text in the App
Help Article: Text a Parent Using the SchoolStatus Mobile App
Send a Broadcast in the App
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Want to learn more? Try one of these!
Level 0: Let's Dive into SchoolStatus
SchoolStatus Notify Mass Messaging