SchoolStatus Level 0: Skimming the Surface of SchoolStatus
About This Course: The purpose of this brief 15 minute course is to skim the surface of SchoolStatus and get you started. You will learn how to navigate SchoolStatus effectively, utilize the Student Card to get to know the whole student, communicate with parents in their preferred language, and locate and utilize the help articles and chat with our 24/7 customer support.
Introduction to the Student Card
Getting Started with Communication
Help Article: Call a Parent from your Computer or Mobile Phone
Help Article: Text Parents from your Computer or Mobile Phone
Help Article: How to Email a Parent in SchoolStatus
Sending a Broadcast Message
Help Article: Send a Broadcast to a Course or Student Group
The Mobile App
Help Article: Navigate the SchoolStatus Mobile App
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Want to learn more? Try one of these!
Level 1: Let's Dive into SchoolStatus
SchoolStatus Notify Mass Messaging