When you click on a student's name, their Student Card opens. The Student Card houses a wide array of data. This data is synced from your SIS (Student Information System), assessment packages, and some data is from SchoolStatus users themselves.
Open a Student Card
To access a Student Card, type the student's name into the search box at the top of the screen, or by clicking just about anywhere you see the student's name.
When you open a Student Card, you'll notice that it opens as a pop-up on top of the page you were just one. When you close (or "X out of") the student card, you'll return to where you were before. This is helpful if you are going down the list, opening each card.
Explore the Student Card
You'll notice distinct areas on the left side of the student card:
- Student's Demographic Information
- Student Overview
- Main Menu of data tabs
Hitting 'Show More' under the student's photo will display the Student's Demographic Information. Here, you'll see the student's ID, Birthday, Race, Gender, and Address.
The Student Overview shows at-a-glance information about a student: number of absences, number of infractions, number of calls made, number of texts sent or received, and the number of emails to that student.
Use the Main Menu to navigate the student card. Here's a preview of what you'll find under each tab:
- Schedule - (synced from your SIS) - current courses
- Contacts - (synced from your SIS) - contact information
- Attendance - (synced from your SIS) - absence data
- Discipline - (synced from your SIS) - infraction data
- Assessment - (synced from various testing packages, like Renaissance, iReady, MAAP, DRA, etc.) - all available assessment data for the student
- Grades - (synced from your SIS) - current grade information
- Engagement - communications hosted by SchoolStatus to and from the student's contacts
- Notes - information entered by SchoolStatus users to the Student Card
- Attachments - items uploaded by SchoolStatus users to the Student Card
- Contact Tracing - notate if a student has been in close contact with someone that has COVID-19 - learn more here
- Quarantine Tracking - notate if a student has been exposed to COVID-19 - learn more here
Let's go over them in detail
Schedule: Seeing the Student's Courses
When you open the Student Card by searching in the Student Search Field at the top of the page or by clicking the student's name, the student card defaults to the student's Schedule view. You can use the date drop-down menu to select courses from the previous school year.
(Tip: if you click on a student's name while you are using a data overview module, like Attendance or Discipline, the Student Card will automatically open to the tab that shows the data you're already analyzing since we know that's what you want to see.)
Contacts: Using the Student Card to Communicate with Parents
In the SchoolStatus web platform, your engagement with student contacts will usually originate from the Student Card. To start a new call, text, or email, click the Contacts tab of the Student Card. SchoolStatus allows for one-to-one calls to student contacts, either utilizing a web call or your cell phone. You can also set your preferred contact and email here.
From this menu, you can also Flag a number that isn't working so that someone from your district can update the number in your SIS.
You can also Star a contact, designating them a Preferred Contact. This is very helpful when using Broadcast Messaging.
Contacts: Calling Student Contacts
To begin a conversation, simply find the right contact, and click their phone icon. Next, choose how you would like the call to be placed - through the web or through your cell phone. Not sure which to choose? Read more, below:
- Call Using My Computer - Web calls use your computer's internet connection as the telephone line. Keep in mind, you'll need a working microphone and speakers to hear and be heard, and you may need to adjust your settings to allow SchoolStatus to access your mic and speakers. (Tip: No external speakers? Try plugging your earbuds into your computer's headphone jack.) If you have issues with making calls via the web interface, reach out to your district IT staff and ask them to check our System Requirements; your district's network settings could be preventing the call.
- Call Using My Cell Phone - Cell Calls (Carrier data - charges may apply)
Before you select the 'Call Using My Cell Phone' option, make sure you've gone to Settings first and verified your cell phone number. When you click "Call using my cell phone," SchoolStatus will call your cell phone first; answer, and you'll hear ringing on the line- that's SchoolStatus dialing the parent contact for you. In essence, you've initiated a 3-way call between SchoolStatus, yourself, and the contact. That's how we keep your cell phone number private! Remember, your cell phone number is NEVER revealed to the student contact. Questions about calling? Feel free to contact our help desk at help@schoolstatus.com.
Contacts: Texting Student Contacts
To begin a text conversation (for districts with our Communications package), simply click the text box icon above the contact's cell number.
The message box emerges from the bottom right corner of your screen, allowing you to type your message there. We recommend using the character counter to keep your message under 160 characters; longer messages can be divided and delivered out of order. To attach a photo or gif, click the paperclip, and choose a file from your computer. A "This msg is from..." reminder will go out with your initial message, and monthly thereafter, to remind the recipient of your identity.
When you receive a response, you'll notice a number indicator next to Messages. To read unread messages, click the Messages icon on the bottom right side of your screen.
Once you open the message pane, you'll see the new message highlighted in green so you'll never miss an unread message. If you use SchoolStatus Mobile, our iPhone, and Android app, you'll instantly get a push notification instead when you have a new message.
Attendance: See Student Absence Details on the Student Card
Click Attendance on the main menu to see absence details for this student.
The Daily Breakdown shows the total number of absences, and student ADA compared to school and district ADA. It also shows an analysis by weekday.
The Details panel shows each attendance event by date, code, and description.
Discipline: See Student Infraction Details on the Student Card
Click Discipline on the main menu to see infraction details for this student.
The Daily Breakdown shows an analysis by weekday and the total number of infraction incidents.
The Details panel shows each discipline event by date, code, and description.
Assessment: See State and Benchmark Testing Data
Click Assessment on the main menu and look to the top right for a dropdown of options for benchmarks you can see. Select the Assessment Type to see data.
(Note: If the student's district uses an Assessment Type but the student did not take the test, it may show as an option on the dropdown list but the results page will be blank since no data was collected on that student using that instrument.)
On any Assessment Type page, the Assessment Year shows below the name of the assessment. If the district has collected data on this student using this instrument over multiple years, you can review different years here. Each assessment display will look a little different because the data collected by each package will vary. You can download this data as well.
Grades: See Report Card Grades on the Student Card
Click Grades on the left side panel to see a report card-style view of the student's grades in progress, with both numerical and letter grades color-coded next to the course names. Look to the top right for a dropdown of year options.
Engagement: See Communications Details and History
Click Engagement on the main menu to see a log of communications that have been sent or received by this student's contacts. By default, the most recent Engagement is shown in detail. Under Engagement, you can click the buttons to sort by engagement method or leave it at All. The phone icon in the example below tells us that a call was placed by the teacher to the student's cousin. Click the playback arrow to hear the transcription. Click the Add Comment button to include notes for the specific call.
Click the text message icon to see the details of any text message. (Tip: The SchoolStatus user is always listed first, then the student contact, then the student's name, and the relationship to the student.)
To translate a text message, simply choose a language to read it in.
Notes: Add or Read Comments
Click Notes on the main menu to see comments that have been saved by other SchoolStatus users on the Student Card. By default, the most recent Note is shown in the detail panel. The creator of the Note can edit the content and visibility, or delete the note. It's important to mention here that when you see the word 'Everyone' listed, this does NOT mean everyone in your school. It simply means everyone that currently has access to this student.
Attachments: Upload Documents
Click Attachments on the main menu to see photos or PDFs that you have uploaded to the Student Card, or that others have uploaded and made visible to you. You can download an attachment by clicking the green download button on the far right.
To create a new Attachment, click Upload. (Tip: You may want to rename your upload file first.) You'll open a file finder window, where you can select the file you want to add. After it appears on the Attachments timeline, you can edit the visibility, or delete the attachment.
Contact Tracing
- The infected student's current schedule
- The names of teachers for each course in the section
- The names and ID numbers of any students who are also in the same sections
You'll find a new button on the Overview tab that houses a student's schedule.
When you click the red button, a CSV will download, displaying all students who share a class with the student in question. Learn more about this feature here.
Quarantine Tracking
Quarantine Tracking allows you to add a notation to the student card concerning a student who has been exposed to Covid-19, or who has tested positive.
Once inside the Student Card, select Quarantine Tracking from the menu. This will open a place where you can create your own documentation. Select the correct reason from the dropdown panel, and then select the date. Click Add Log to complete the entry.
Click here to return to the main menu- or ask for help!