The school is over for the year! What happens now? Below, are some EOY duties that a SPOC can do to prepare for the next school year.
Account Management
Oftentimes users will change schools, need a different scope of access, or perhaps leave the district. As the SPOC, you have the ability to make these account changes. Whether it's changing or adding schools to a user, modifying their access by creating a teacher account or a non-teacher account, or deactivating user accounts that are no longer with your district. **Note** For security reasons, user accounts must be manually deactivated, and are never automatically deactivated in SchoolStatus.
To modify a user's account, simply log into your account and click User Management on your side menu. Select if the user is currently set up as a Non-Teacher or Teacher and type their first or last name in the 'Find User' box. Now, click Actions on the far right and select Modify to make changes to a user's account such as changing the school or adding a school. Click Update to save your changes.
To deactivate a user's account, click on User Management on your left-side menu. Then, click on User Management at the top left.
- In the 'Find User' box, type their first or last name, moving between Non-Teacher and Teacher tabs to find them.
- Then, click Actions on the far right and select Deactivate. You'll always be asked to confirm deactivation- "Are you sure...?"- click Ok.
- If you deactivate an account by mistake, go to the Deactivated tab, find their name, and click Reactivate.
Updating Student and User Groups
Throughout the school year, Student and/or User Groups have been created. Now that school is over, most users will no longer need access to students within those groups. As the SPOC, you can see all groups in the district and you can edit or delete these groups as needed.
- Simply click Groups on your left side menu and locate the group you need. Click on the group name to open it.
- Click Actions - then select Edit or Delete at the top right. If you are editing, click Update to save any changes you made. If you are deleting the group simply confirm by clicking Delete when prompted.
**Note** Groups created by teachers from the previous school year are DELETED once the new school year begins. Any group created by an administrator will remain unless deletion is requested by the district.
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