Want to see detailed information about all of your user accounts, including last login, modules assigned, who is missing a job title, etc? Check it out!
View your User Export as a sortable spreadsheet
You may want to start by checking out this article on exporting your user list and putting it into Google Sheets. You can then organize your data and invite team members to help you work on account cleanup in real time.
Add a Notes column
Make a "Notes" column by inserting a new Column A. This will come in handy when you need to leave notes or questions.
Sort your data
You'll use a few basic functions to organize your data, so let's go over those:
1. To select the whole sheet for sorting, click the top left cell.
2. Click Data, then Sort Range to sort the entire data set.
3. Select how you want to sort:
- Check "Data has header row" to include or omit the first line in your sort, and populate the column headings in your "Sort by" dropdown list.
- Select the sort order using A-Z or Z-A.
- Add another sort column, if you like.
- Click the blue "Sort" button to reorganize.
Repeat these steps over and over to look at other items, like Last Login, for example; this may help you find accounts that need to be deactivated, or users who have never logged in successfully.