SPOCs, schedule a cleanup meeting with us! Let us help you export and review your User list to make sure all your accounts are in good shape.
Here’s a list of what we will go over:
SPOCs can choose User Export from your left side menu.
- - Deactivate SchoolStatus accounts for non-users
- - Re-send a Welcome email to those who have never logged in
- - Modify accounts to assign permissions and rights accurately
- - Confirm that admin accounts can see the whole school, and teacher accounts can see the students they teach
(For a detailed tour of these steps with screenshots, please call us at 601.620.0613.)
- Export User List. Save by date and district name before sending.
- Notes- insert a new Column A to keep notes
- Data Sort B, by Username/email address. See those who have two accounts, one with "+admin." The +admin should not have Feedbak.
- Data Sort C, by Title. This field was originally created to note "Dr." or Ms., etc. Can be used for unique data, like if the position is not listed.
- Data Sort D, by Name.
- Data Sort E, by position. Confirm Admin users, so that when they reach out, we have an idea of what they should be able to see.
- Data Sort F, by Teacher (Z-A); type "Teacher" into first "Y'"cell and fill all.
- Data Sort G, by Admin (Z-A); type "Admin" into first "Y'"cell and fill all.
- Data Sort H, by User Admin (Z-A); type "User Admin" into first "Y'"cell and fill all. User Admin is for those who can modify user accounts.
- Data Sort I, has Feedbak. (Z-A); type "FB" into first "Y'"cell and fill all. Users with a second "+admin" account should not have Feedbak.
- Data Sort J, has Feedbak Admin. (Z-A); type "FB Admin" into first "Y'"cell and fill all. This should only belong to those who need FB editing rights. Some districts have no FB Admins.
- Data Sort K, Last Login, Newest to Oldest. Type "Never Logged in" into first empty cell and fill all. Note those who have not logged in at all this school year. Mark "deactivate" or "Welcome" to any who have never logged in.
- You may find that reviewing all the individual users is sufficient. You'll notice that this column lists schools but in no particular order. If you need a more detailed view, after you have organized the access column alphabetically, insert a column before the "Access" column; type the first School Name into the Heading, then into the first empty cell and fill all that apply; create the next column and repeat. You may want to hide rows as you go, skipping rows with multiple schools until you have all the columns established in order. Continue alphabetically, adding school columns, filling cells and hiding rows as you go for those users who only have one school. Then, review people with access to more than one school, and fill those cells in after you have created a column for each school. This will allow you to sort by school to view access. You may want to create a breakout spreadsheet by school to share with school admins who can help you verify user access.