Here are the answers to your Broadcast audience questions.
How do I select a Broadcast audience?
After you click Broadcasts (bottom right) and then +New Message (top right) you'll see an option to select Group(s), Course(s) or Individual Contacts. You will normally select one of the first two options. On the next panel, you'll select the name of the group(s) or course(s) you want as your audience.
How to I review the audience I've selected?
On the Selected Recipients panel, you can review your audience selection before you compose the message. Immediately under the words "Selected Recipients", you'll see the actual number of parent contacts associated with the Groups or Courses you've selected. You can use the "Previous", the +Add Recipients button, or the -Remove buttons to adjust your audience. Then, you'll click Next to go to the place to compose your message.
Tip: Notice that is says Contact (0) in the third section- that simply means you've added zero individual contacts.
How do I know which parents this includes?
There is no option from here to see a list of parents by name. Cancel your Broadcast and go to Preferred Contacts to make sure all students have at least one parent contact marked with a star.
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