When you need to send a district-wide, school-wide, grade-level, or special group message that does not warrant a reply, Notify is for you!
Send a new Notify text, email, and/or call
Start by clicking on Notify Message Center from the left menu.
Select New Message on the top right.
Select your audience. Selecting School Staff may be an option if your district has provided staff contact details to us. Select the school(s) and grade level(s). District-level accounts will have the option to send to one, some, or all schools; school-level accounts will be limited in scope. Click Apply to see the current target audience count updates; this tells you the number of recipients to whom your message will be sent. Click Compose Message to proceed.
Create a Message Name, choose Non-Critical or Emergency, and select Text, Email, and/or Call to begin your message. Use the Start button to record a verbal message to be sent by phone call.
- Pro-tips: Click "Which do I choose?" to learn about when to send Emergency messages.
- If you select 'Text' as the only method but the parent number is a non-textable or landline number, the message will fail over to an automated voice call.
- Note that Texts will quickly reach most parents, generally, but Emails allow photos and links.
- Click Call to record or upload an audio file.
Click Apply to save your changes, then click Translate Message to proceed. Click Save as Draft to make changes and send at a later time.
Choose an auto-translate option. Click Delivery options to proceed.
- Auto-translate to the preferred language will show a preview of each language translation and how many recipients will receive the message in that language.
- Original will show the text as written (in English or whatever language you used) to all parents/contacts, regardless of individual preferred language settings
Delivery Options give you the choice to send immediately, or to schedule for a date and time of your choosing. Click Confirm to review your choices and get ready to send.
The Confirm page allows you to make sure all of your settings meet your needs. Go back to previous pages to make changes, or click Send (or Schedule, shown here, since a future date and time were selected) to launch your communications!
How to Edit Scheduled Notify Messages. Open Notify Message Center and click on Scheduled at the top center. You should see a green Edit button to the far right. Simply click Edit and make your changes. To save, click Update and then confirm by clicking Yes.