Broadcast Messaging in SchoolStatus is a great way to send announcements to an entire course or student group's contact through text messages. This article will show you how to see which of those contacts has received that message.
Step 1: Open the Broadcast Messages panel
CLICK on BROADCASTS in the lower right corner of SchoolStatus. The Broadcast Messages panel will open on the righthand side of the screen. This will show you a history of recent Broadcast Messages that have been sent. This panel is scoped to your access level. A teacher will only see Broadcast Messages they have sent. District level users will be able to see Broadcast sent by the whole district.

Step 2: Click on a Broadcast that has been sent
Click on a Broadcast messages that has ben sent.
NOTE: Results will not show on a freshly sent Broadcast Message. It will take several minutes to start seeing that people have received it.

The panel will now show details on that individual Broadcast Message. You can see details like which courses, student groups, and individual contacts the message was sent to. Individual contacts show up with the word contact written next to them in purple, groups have a green icon next to them, and courses have a pink icon next to them. You can also see who has received the Broadcast.

Step 3: Close the Broadcast Messages panel
CLICK the word BROADCASTS in the lower right portion of the SchoolStatus screen.

This concludes how to review recipients of a Broadcast Message.
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