SchoolStatus allows for custom sorting and filtering on data tables, along with an export or download function, all within the platform. This guide will explain how to use those filters and sorts, so it can be applied to any of the tables within SchoolStatus! Let's get started.
Using Filters and Sorts
The filters within SchoolStatus tables can prove very beneficial to quickly getting to data you need the most. Let's use the Discipline Module as an example of using filters.
To start, click any date on the Infractions Overview to show the Student Details for that date.
Here, I've chosen the date 9/14/2020 to take a closer look. You'll notice the Student Detail adjusts to the date selected.
But I'd like to filter in more detail to see only the infraction code 'OKI'. So I'll simply click OKI in the Code column under Totals by Type. This filters out all other codes to show only 'OKI'.
I can do the same thing with grades. So, I click the '9' under the Grade column under 'Most Infractions' to filter down to just the ninth graders.
If you scroll up, you'll see what filters you have in place and can easily remove or update them.
Export the Data
When you're ready to export or download your data, you can simply click the verticle dots icon at the top right of the page and choose Download. You'll then see a popup asking if you'd like to download the file as either a CSV or PDF. Simply choose your preferred file type and click Download.
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