To stay in compliance with new email deliverability guidelines, beginning January 31, 2024, parents can unsubscribe or resubscribe to emails sent through SchoolStatus.
Why the change?
As part of the new email deliverability guidelines from Gmail and Yahoo, we must provide a 1-click unsubscribe functionality for users. These providers will block emails arriving that don't provide this capability. SchoolStatus has implemented this functionality to ensure our messages sent by email are not marked as spam or delayed.
These email guidelines affect all email providers across all industries, not just SchoolStatus.
Who will be impacted?
The only change users will see is an unsubscribe option in their emails (both Broadcast and Notify). Before this change, we did not allow families to opt out of email messages. Because parents can now unsubscribe, this could affect your connections with some families.
Please note that once a recipient has unsubscribed, you cannot resubscribe them without that recipient taking action. This is by design and is a requirement of the email providers.
How to unsubscribe
There will be two ways to unsubscribe: within the email itself or through the message recipient's email client.
To unsubscribe from within the email, the recipient will click on the "Click here" link below the message.
To unsubscribe through the email client, the recipient will click the "Unsubscribe" at the top right of the email. It will ask if you are sure you want to unsubscribe, and you will need to confirm. This will unsubscribe you from those emails.
How to resubscribe
To resubscribe, a parent or user can scan the QR code below or email
Once resubscribed, you will receive a reply email stating that you have been removed from the unsubscribe list.