In addition to our Contact Tracing tool, which allows you to export a list of which students may have been in close proximity with a student, Quarantine Tracking allows you to add a notation to the student card concerning a student who has been exposed to Covid-19, or who has tested positive.
To add a notation related to Quarantine Tracking:
Find the student, by searching for the name or clicking on the student wherever you see them.
Once inside the Student Card, select Quarantine Tracking from the menu.
This will open a place where you can create your own documentation. Select the correct reason from the dropdown panel, and then select the date. Click Add Log to complete the entry.
You'll see your entry added to the list of any previous entries, with the most recent entries first.
Administrators with the appropriate module access can look to their left-side menu and click "Quarantine Report" to export a spreadsheet of student names with their Quarantine Tracking details.
*If you're using Chrome, you may have to right-click the 'Quarantine Tracking' menu item and choose to 'Save Link as' to get it to download.
Click here to return to the main menu - or ask for help!