Everything you need to know about how we receive and display data from your student information system (SIS).
We import your data, based on an agreed-upon export from your SIS.
During the onboarding process for new SchoolStatus customers, we deliver our Data Specifications document, which details the core data files we will use to generate the display you see in your SchoolStatus site. These data specifications list what data points need to be included in each file.
When the files are ready, we receive them nightly at a set time through various methods, depending upon which one is right for your district's SIS and its available access methods.
Does SchoolStatus sync during the summer?
During the summer, we pause our nightly syncs so your SchoolStatus data won't reflect ongoing, daily SIS changes as they are happening. Pausing syncs also enables student-teacher associations to continue, so that our communication tools still work as they did in the spring for summer activities. We DO continue to sync contacts files nightly over the summer so that changes to parent contact numbers stay up-to-date.
How does the new school year data appear in SchoolStatus?
We are often asked to "roll over" a district's data to the next academic year. (We call that "syncing" for the new year.) Internally, school districts typically finish the AY in the spring, and the "roll over" is a detailed process that occurs in their SIS, to set new data points like promoting students to the next grade level and assigning them to new schedules. Once you have all of your "rolled over" data in place, we begin to sync with it again.
When will I see new fall data in SchoolStatus?
As the new school year approaches, we resume the nightly syncs which update your schedules, courses, and student rosters every 24 hours. Your SchoolStatus data will show the new school year in our interface as soon as new data that reflects the new academic year is synced. For instance, you'll see a student's new data on the Overview page of their student card. Pages like Attendance and Discipline may show the previous year's data until schools begin to enter new attendance and discipline data.
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