SchoolStatus makes it easy to distill your discipline data to see exactly what's most important to you. Let's check it out!

Get a comprehensive snapshot of your school, district, or student roster and their discipline information. From here, you can view:
- Daily Breakdown - to see which days are the best and worst for disciplinary infractions for the year.
- Most Infractions - to see which students have the most infractions within your scope for the year.
- Totals by Type - to see a visual breakdown of the discipline codes used by your district.
Daily Totals

Hover your mouse over any point on the graph to see the total number of infractions for that day. Click any point and the Student Detail section below will update to the date you've selected.
Daily Breakdown
Most Infractions

Student Detail

Download the Data
Anywhere you see the three verticle dots icon, you'll have the option to download the data. Simply click that icon and then choose Download.

You can also see previous years' data by using the date drop-down at the top left. However, please remember to choose the reload icon on the right to make that year change take effect.

Explore from Here
If you're an administrator with access to our Reporting module, you can click the three vertical dots icon and see an option to Explore from Here. This will take you to the reporting module and allow you to see more discipline data.

Click here to return to the main menu- or ask for help!