The Benchmark Tracking module allows users to see students' progress from the state assessment to the current benchmark, so you know if you're on track with your Accountability goals. Let's explore this feature!
First, go to your left menu and click on Benchmark Tracking.
You'll then see student-level details for each benchmark subject. You will need to scroll left and right to see all of the variables/columns in this module.
Estimated Growth, LPS Status, and Targets
Estimates for growth are provided so you immediately know whether students are on track. These estimates are calculated by applying the MDE's Accountability Standards, comparing performance from the most recent state assessment to the most recent benchmark.
For your reference, this module provides scale scores and performance levels for both the benchmark and state assessment, along with recommended target scores for achievement. These targets are the minimum levels needed for the student to demonstrate growth.
- Growth? Did the student demonstrate growth, Yes/No
- Growth Value Estimated growth points student would receive, 0; 1; 1.25
- School LPS Is the student a low performer for the school based on MAAP, Yes/No
- District LPS Is the student a low performer for the district based on MAAP, Yes/No
- BM Teacher Teacher associated with benchmark subject
- Benchmark SS Scale score earned on the benchmark
- Benchmark % Percentage correct on the benchmark
- BM Level Performance level earned on benchmark
- State SS Scale score earned on most recent state assessment
- State % Percent correct on state assessment (included if provided by the vendor)
- State-Level Performance level earned on the most recent state assessment
- Target State Minimum MAAP scale score necessary to earn growth points
- Target Bench Minimum benchmark scale score necessary to earn growth points
- Target Level Minimum MAAP performance level necessary to earn growth points
Let's interpret an example.
In the previous screenshot, we've emphasized two rows of data. In the first row, the student has earned 1.25 growth points because he has maintained a performance level of 5 from the state assessment to the benchmark.
In the second row, the student has not earned any growth points because the student's performance was lower (level 4) on the benchmark compared to the state assessment (level 5).
The target level indicates the minimum level necessary to earn growth points. Both students needed to achieve a performance level of 5 to demonstrate growth.
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