The Learning Lab is the best place to start your SchoolStatus journey.
The Learning Lab will teach you everything you need to know about SchoolStatus and we will do it with video-based lessons. None of the core courses are longer than about 20 minutes (they are designed so that you can do one in a planning period and still have time to get to the bathroom before class starts). You will also receive a certificate when you complete a course.
Click on Learning Lab on the top of the screen.
You will be automatically enrolled in a few courses based on your role in your district. You may complete the courses in any order you would like, but It always helps to have a place to start. Click on the video in the Learning Lab banner to learn more, or you can watch it here.
Teachers, you may want to complete the courses in this order:
- Level 0 - SchoolStatus Basics
- Communication the SchoolStatus Way
- SchoolStatus Mobile
- The Student Card
- Using Data in the Classroom
Principals may want to start with the Principal's Corner before moving onto the other courses too.
You may take as many courses as you would like! Click on Dashboard, and then Catalog to find more courses.
Happy Learning!
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