The SchoolStatus Scholar program is looking for engaged educators who want to help drive student success. We want educators who value one-to-one parent/teacher engagement and can become a resource for your school or district when people ask about SchoolStatus. Don’t worry, you don’t have to become the resident SchoolStatus support system in your school, you’ll still have access to 24/7 support from us, but sometimes it helps to hear how great SchoolStatus is from people inside your own community.
At SchoolStatus, we believe that the most important thing we do is foster relationships between parents and teachers. We felt that it was also important that we begin to cultivate that relationship with you. The SchoolStatus Scholar program is an opportunity for you to show off how much you know and love SchoolStatus. And for us, it’s an opportunity to get to know you!
What can you expect to do to become a SchoolStatus Scholar, or S3 as we like to call it?
- Complete the Learning Lab course, SchoolStatus Scholar Program - Become an Ambassador for SchoolStatus, including:
- A knowledge check. Don’t worry, if you’re an avid SchoolStatus user, you’ll do just fine.
- A brief assignment to let us know who you are, and how you use SchoolStatus.
What’s in it for you, you ask?
- You know any SchoolStatus program wouldn’t be complete without a cool T-shirt.
- A badge, because who doesn’t want another cool badge for your email signature or Twitter handle?
- Special treatment AKA, you’re in the exclusive SchoolStatus club with all the coolest people.
- And an invitation to our private Facebook group ‘for Scholars only’ where you can share ideas with your colleagues.
- You’ll be first to know about new SchoolStatus features!
So what’s in it for SchoolStatus?
- We simply want to connect with educators who are ardent lovers of SchoolStatus.
- We want your input! We want you to help us beta test new features and we want to hear your ideas for new ways to interact with SchoolStatus.
- We’d love to know more about how you use SchoolStatus in your classroom, school, or district - maybe that’s a blog post, maybe that’s a video, maybe that’s interacting with us on Twitter.
- We would also love to have you join us at conferences and maybe present to your peers about SchoolStatus.
- If you’re ambitious, and what SchoolStatus Scholar isn’t, you might even help create some new content for the Learning Lab!
Ready to get started on your scholarly journey? Simply login to your SchoolStatus account and access the Learning Lab. Then search the catalog for the SchoolStatus Scholar Program and enroll!