The Learning Lab is a free self-training resource for SchoolStatus users to gain the knowledge to become a SchoolStatus Super User. Courses are tailored to the user's access level of SchoolStatus (teacher vs. administrator).
How is the Learning Lab different from the Help Center?
The Help Center (where you are now) is designed to give you quick how-to instructions on specific aspects of SchoolStatus. The Learning Lab is designed to provide essential SchoolStatus training, so that users will:
- Understand why it's important to use data to communicate with parent contacts, for example; and
- Learn how to use SchoolStatus to do just that.
I'm With You...Show Me How to Access the Learning Lab!
To access the Learning Lab, you first need to sign into SchoolStatus.
Then click on Learning Lab in the upper right corner by the search box.
You'll be taken to a new tab just for the Learning Lab. That way you'll still have your SchoolStatus account open as well.
When you first open the Learning Lab, you will see your enrolled courses. You will be enrolled automatically in a few courses depending on your account.
If you are not enrolled in any courses or you wish to look for additional courses. you can search the catalog by clicking Dashboard and then Catalog. You will need to use this method to enroll in additional courses.
Click on Enroll to enroll yourself in any course.
Click on Start to begin your SchoolStatus Learning Lab path to becoming a Super User and attain your SchoolStatus Certificate of Awesomeness! Feel free to come back and finish all the courses and outscore your friends!
You may also search for a course or topic by typing into the search bar at the top while the catalog is selected.
You can type is topics such as call, text, test, etc.. to narrow down the catalog to find a course or webinar that suits your needs. Then just click on the course that interests you.
View Completed Courses
While logged into the Learning Lab, click on Completed Courses to review the courses that you have already completed.
From here you can click Relaunch to review sections of the course. A Relaunched course does not make you watch the entire video. It lets you scrub through the video and look for the spots you need to review.
Print out, Share, or Download Your Certificate of Completion
While viewing Completed Courses, you can click Certificate to download your certificate. You also have the option to tweet your certificate or share it on LinkedIn.
If you clicked on Certificate, the Learning Lab will generate your certificate. Click available for download to begin the download.
Then locate the file wherever downloads go on your machine. If you are using Google Chrome, the downloaded certificate will appear at the bottom of your browser.
Once you have clicked the download you can then print out your certificate.
Happy Learning!
Are you brand new to SchoolStatus? Start Here!